Each year, Heartland continues to grow. As the Baby Boomer generation ages and the need for the resources we provide grows, we greatly appreciate community members like you. Without you, none of this would be possible. The generosity that keeps Heartland vibrant comes in a variety of ways:

Each year donations account for approximately 20% of Heartland’s budget. Your support allows us to continue providing quality services for the seniors we serve, 75% of whom need financial assistance to participate.
We realize there are many choices for your charitable giving. We are grateful for your choice to invest in the lives of seniors in our community, and to partner with us to pursue our mission to offer life-enriching opportunities for older adults and provide support for their families and caregivers.

There are several ways you can show your heart for those of Heartland:
Check Contributions
You can mail a check to our office:
205 S. Walnut Ave. Ames, IA 50010
In-Kind Donations
Gifts of nonperishable food, toiletries, craft supplies, and cleaning products are also welcome and needed. Contact our Outreach Department at Outreach@heartlandofstorycounty.org to inquire about needs.
Planned Giving
You can make a significant, enduring contribution to Heartland, as well as benefit from tax savings, by planning your donations with a tax advisor.
Planned Giving
Planned Giving is the process of making a significant, enduring contribution to Heartland after carefully considering the nature and timing of your gift, as well as the tax benefits to you, the donor.
Arrangement can be made for a planned gift either during or after your lifetime. The most common form of planned giving is a bequest, in which person’s will provides for a gift of cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, or other assets to Heartland. Please consult a qualified attorney or other professional advisor to enable you to maximize the tax benefits of your gift and have an immediate impact on the lives of Seniors in Story County.
Benefits of Planned Giving
- Leaving a legacy of charity, generosity, and goodwill towards seniors
- Providing improved health and services for seniors in Story County
- Decreased liability of federal income and/or estate taxes

Heartland’s Endowment Fund
The purpose for the Heartland Endowment Fund is exclusively charitable and educational and will support and assist Heartland of Story County, a non-profit, tax-exempt Iowa corporation.
Money Given to the Endowment
Donor specified gifts, as well as the annual income of the endowment from interest and dividends shall be distributed solely for grants, loans, and gifts that aid, support and assist Heartland of Story County.
Deferred Gifts
A deferred gift from your estate will enable senior citizens to be served for decades to come. Identifying Heartland of Story County as a beneficiary in your will, personal insurance policy or retirement policy, i.e. a 401 (k) ensures the sustainability of the agency. You could also designate a specific program or service to which your funds will be applied; alternatively, undesignated funds will be used for the greatest need of the agency.
IRA Charitable Rollover
The IRA Charitable Rollover provides donors age 70 ½ or older a unique opportunity to make tax-wise gifts to causes they care about.
What it is? Donors age 70 ½ or older can transfer up to $100,000 of IRA assets to public charities without being subject to federal income taxes on the distribution. Please think of Heartland as you do your tax-wise planned giving.
We need you to keep our programs and activities vibrant and running smoothly. Currently, we need volunteers to assist with the Meals on Wheels program. In conjunction with Mary Greeley Medical Center, we provide Meals on Wheels of Story County to individuals unable to make their own food, short-term or long-term, throughout all of Story County. Volunteers bring a well-balanced hot lunch to a senior’s home. In addition to the delicious meal, the delivery offers an opportunity for a friendly visit and a safety check.
To volunteer to deliver Meals on Wheels, please contact Mary Greeley Medical Center.
“I do so much more than ‘deliver’ a meal to seniors. I check on their safety and well-being. I bring them a hot and nutritious meal that gives them energy. Plus, I get to connect to some very special people. It’s the social interaction that really had me hooked from the first time I volunteered.”